Stamp creation / Edit tabs

The features of New stamp and Edit stamp are essentially the same, and are broken out into multiple tabs, all of which are explained below. The only difference between New and Edit is that the New stamp dialog asks you for a name on the bottom. Edit stamp uses the pre-existing name, and of course you should have selected a stamp within the stamp list prior to clicking Edit stamp.

Image tab - this lets you add images to a stamp, either from a selected area within a file open in HyperSnap-DX, or from a file already saved to a disk. If you want, you can edit the image in HyperSnap-DX and then return to this tab to continue working on the stamp. You can, finally, disable the appearance of an image temporarily by un-checking Use this image... on the bottom right of this tab.

Text tab - here you can apply text, both static and dynamic "fields" to your stamp. The stamp can contain complex lines that change with the properties of your system (date and time) and the file (path and filename). In addition, you can add static text such as a copyright declaration or other information as required. Format the text just like you would in a paint program.

Frame tab - this tab lets you create frames to be used around your stamps, which can greatly enhance their appearance. The frames here work almost exactly like the Frames tool on the Image menu. Set the properties of the frame, and then enable it by setting a width for it. To disable it, set the width to zero and the frame will not appear on the image.

Placement tab - this tab lets you define precise placement parameters for your stamps. Using the settings here, you can adjust your stamp to it appears exactly where you desire on the image.

On the bottom of the tab sets are several other functions that are important.

Save stamp - when this is checked, you're creating or saving a stamp which will then go into your database of available stamp tools.

Insert on picture - when this is checked, you're creating a "one time use only" stamp to be applied only to the current picture in HyperSnap-DX's current window tab.

Insert and save - one-stop-shopping is the bargain with this checkbox. Checking this and you are both creating a stamp, and then without adding further steps to the process, HyperSnap-DX applies the stamp to the current image.

At any time during stamp editing or creation, you can click the Preview button to get a look as to how the section you are working on will look when applied.

All of the features of each tab on the Stamp editor are too complex to cover in a pop-up topic, so if you need more help please see the topic linked to the button below.

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